Minutes April 26 2018

Meeting Minutes

April 26, 2018

A regular meeting of the City of Hornell Industrial Development Agency was held April 26, 2018, at 4:30 PM, at 40 Main Street, Hornell, NY.

PRESENT: Samuel Nasca, Chair

George Prete, Vice Chair
David Parmley, Treasurer, CFO

John Buckley, Asst. Treasurer, Asst. Secretary

ABSENT: John Carbone, Secretary

ALSO: James Griffin, CEO, Executive Director
Margaret Frungillo, Administrative Assistant

William Dugan, WLEA Reporter

Jason Jordon, the Evening Tribune

Chairman Nasca called the meeting to order at 4:39 PM. Chairman Nasca reported that there was a quorum for the meeting.

Chairman Nasca presented the minutes of the March 15, 2018 meeting. A motion was made by John Buckley, seconded by George Prete to approve the minutes of the 3/15/18 meeting. Carried All.

Treasurer Dave Parmley presented the financial statements for March that had been e-mailed to the Board prior to the meeting. A motion was made by George Prete, seconded by John Buckley to approve the financial report as presented. Carried All.


Audit Committee – Chairman of the Audit committee, George Prete, reported that the Audit Committee had met on 3/30/18 and approved bills in the amount of $30,792.77 for March from the Operating account. A motion was made John Buckley, seconded by Dave Parmley, to approve the actions of the Audit Committee. Carried All.

Personnel Committee – No report

Governance Committee- Chairman Nasca reported that there are two new policies that need to be approved and included with the other policies to conform to PAAA requirements. The first is the Property Disposition Guidelines as required by Section 2896 of the Public Authority Law to adopt by resolution comprehensive guidelines for disposal of Property. The policy also requires that a Contracting Officer be appointed by the Board. Chairman Nasca requested a motion to approve the policy and appoint Executive Director James Griffin as the Contracting Officer for the Agency. A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by John Buckley to approve the policy as presented and appoint James Griffin as Contracting Officer. Carried All.

Chairman Nasca stated that the second policy required is a Capital Purchase & Capitalization Threshold Policy that will designate expenses over $10,000 as a capital expense to be recorded as depreciable assets. Chairman Nasca requested a motion to approve the policy as presented. A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by John Buckley to approve the policy as presented.

Carried All.

Paris Report- Chairman Nasca reported that the PARIS report had been completed and the Board has been sent a copy of the report. The report was submitted on March 30, 2018 as required by the NYS office of the State Comptrollers. Chairman Nasca requested a motion to ratify the submittal of the PARIS report as presented.

A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by George Prete to approve the report as submitted.

Carried All.


Simmons Rockwell-

Executive Director Griffin reported that Simmons Rockwell would like to install a sign at the northwest corner of the Route 36 interchange. The land is owned by the IDA and Griffin requested a motion to pursue a lease of the land to Simmons Rockwell for the sign. A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by George Prete to authorize a lease to be negotiated as submitted.

Carried All.

Lin Industries- Griffin stated that he had a meeting with Uttara Prasad, owner of Lin Industries and she is considering an expansion of the plant in the South Yards of between 6,000 ft. and 13,000 ft. to accommodate the new contracts the company has with Alstom. The building is owned by the IDA and Griffin would like a motion to allow him to seek an Architectural firm to develop plans for the addition. A motion was made by John Buckley, seconded by Dave Parmley to seek an architect for the extension of the Lin Industries building. Carried All.

Riedman- Executive Director Griffin stated that David Jiusto is interested in purchasing a portion of land, approximately 100 ft., behind his apartment buildings on Fairlawn Ave. Griffin requested a motion to have the property appraised in order to follow policy requirements to sell at fair market value. A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by John Buckley to approve the motion as presented. Carried All.

Norfolk Southern/ Alstom- Griffin reported that the lease agreements and all other documents have been completed and Alstom is finally working on the property that they are leasing from Norfolk Southern.

Amexstra- Executive Director Griffin stated that Amexstra has been leasing the building at 27 Bank Street from the IDA. The lease agreement is for Amexstra to pay $10,000 for 10 years, then the IDA will turn title the over to Amexstra. Amexstra has paid $10,000 for 4 years and Griffin stated that he would like to forgive the future lease payments, sign the building over to Amexstra, and start a new 10 year Pilot. The Board requested that the discussion be tabled until the next meeting to give the Executive Director time to discuss this with the Agency's attorneys and follow the requirements of the PAAA regarding the disposal of property.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 5:06 PM upon motion by Dave Parmley, seconded by George Prete. Carried All.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Carbone, Secretary 

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